Saturday 12 December 2009

Creative Words@ Friars Street

The November series of Creative Words was attended by 13 enthusiastic people and we looked at ways of seeing the bright side of November and the English winter. We celebrated rain, snow, and light (much of the latter artificial) and wrote about them in prose and poetry; in haiku and kennings and many other ways. We were inspired by all sorts of poems, music clips and the paintings of Breughel. (We also had biscuits)

So thanks to all the participants, and to Robert Frost, Basho, Saint Lucia, Charlie Rossiter, Brian Patten and all the others who inspired and delighted us.

The photo shows our last session - sadly a few missing due to illness or having left Blighty for warmer climes. But we have decided to do more - we re-convene in April for a summery series - please get in touch if you'd like to join.