Friday 9 December 2011

Field of Light

At a recent workshop at The Haven, Hereford, we used the theme of "Lights" as our starting point. 

Bruce Munro’s Field of Light at the Holburne Museum, Bath. Winter 2011.
The seed for Bruce Munro's inspiration to create this artwork was planted nearly twenty years ago while travelling in Australia. He became transfixed by the way in which the barren dessert would burst into bloom after rainfall. Field of Light too lies dormant during the hours of day light, but when darkness falls the bulbs flower with gentle rhythms of light and patterns of colour.

 We thought that Bruce Munro's installation looked amazing and used the title as a starting point.

Field of Light

Flickering flames before my eyes
Make sure that the fire will not die
I’ll try with all my might to maintain this field of light
Dancing jewels upon the sea
Bouncing boats all afloat
Sunlight just right
I’ll try will all my might to maintain this field of light

The flowers stand in colourful perfusion
Giving the illusion
Of a carpet that can float away
Let it stay it’s my field of light

The stage is lit with pools of light, let’s hope the performers get it right and blossom in my field of light
Most of all, in the darkest times when the clock chimes
the midnight hour a New Year brings forth
the light and surrounds us all with the hope for the year to come.  This is my field of light.
Shining out above it all is the light that friendships bring and the happiness that begins all framed by those that care. That’s my real field of light.

Yvette Sutton