Saturday 10 March 2012


Building Bridges

Creative Writing Project at Herefordshire Archive Service, Record Office, 2012
With Sally Givertz (Workshop Leader) and Elizabeth Semper O’Keefe (Information Services Manager)
For more information and to book a place please call the Record Office
Herefordshire Archive Service                                                                          
Herefordshire Record Office
Harold Street

Office Tel No:  01432 260750 

Building BridgesThe Story of the Victoria Bridge in Hereford.
3 weekly creative workshops designed for retired or unemployed people and job-seekers will take place at the County Records Office on 3 Mondays from 10am to 12 noon, in spring 2012.

1.     March 19th – To Be or Not To Be?
2.     March 26th – The Grand Opening
3.     April 2nd – Repairs and Renewals & Revelations
These sessions hope to offer inspiration and enjoyment in an informal and friendly environment.  All materials will be provided (including essentials like tea and biscuits) and no special writing skills are called for.  Everyone is welcome and the workshops are FREE but please book your place as space is limited.
We will be exploring the past and present life of the much-loved Victoria Footbridge in Hereford; also the idea of bridges in general – literally and metaphorically.  Come along and share your stories and learn something new.

   Creative Writing at The Haven
   37 St Owen Street,
   Hereford HR1 2JB

With Sally Givertz

Fridays in the Rose Room
10am to Noon

Suggested donation £6 per week

All welcome

For details please contact
Sally on 01989 563370

OR The Haven
014320 361061

Next weekly series starts April 20th, 2012
(to be confirmed) 

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