Friday 31 August 2012

Creative Writing at The Haven - starts October

   Creative Writing
   at The Haven
   37 St Owen Street,
   Hereford HR1 2JB
With Sally Givertz

Fridays in the Rose Room
10am to Noon

Suggested donation £6 per week

All welcome

Next weekly series starts:
Friday October 5th, 2012

Dates:  5th Oct, 12th  Oct, 19th Oct ( 1 week break)
2nd Nov, 9th Nov (I week break) 23rd Nov.

For details please contact
Sally on 01989 563370

OR The Haven
014320 361061

We will be exploring beliefs about goddesses from  different cultures from the small domestic to the Great Goddess.

As usual we will use a mix of poetry, pictures, music and objects to start us on our writing journey. Come and join us. 

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